O algo para reflexionar...
Te admiro mucho Karin, mucho, en verdad.

"I guess what I am most scared about ... well there's so much to be scared about, but you mentioned a big one in an earlier e-mail you sent: this president seems to think he's getting his marching orders directly from God. Hard to argue with his positions if that's where he thinks they're coming from. How can God be wrong? I feel like I'm living in a theocracy where a narrow version of Christianity (which doesn't seem too Christian to me from what I know of it) is being forced on everyone. Religion is definitely getting into government. Also, so much of the harm that this government plans on perpetrating either will have very long-term consequences (killing many many innocent people around the world, angering allies and adversaries alike, placing very conservative judges on the Supreme Court) or will cause irreparable damage (global warming, opening wilderness areas for oil drilling, spoiling our natural resources) that even if we get this guy and his cohorts out of office it will take us a long time to recover. It seems now from what the president is doing with his cabinet that he is getting rid of any dissenting views. No dissention will be tolerated. It's crazy. This isn't the USA any more. Sigh. But yes, I will keep on fighting..." K.
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